How does growing beards raise money?? 

Great question!  Obviously, money doesn’t grow on beards.  That’s where the DONATING part comes in.  Without donations, we’re just a bunch a hairy people with no adoption fund. 

Are we auctioning the beards?  Well…not quite.  I mean, if you know someone who’d like to own a piece of Beard for the Blanchards, I’m sure these guys would be happy to sell.  But mostly the beards are a publicity stunt to raise awareness for our cause. 

Many of our hairy helpers are usually clean-shaven guys.  So their new look gives us all a conversation starter, a visual reminder, and a fun and unique event to get the word out there that we want to fund a family!  

The men will be shaving on March 16th - and we're planning a family-friendly event for that day. A bake sale, possible jewelry/souvenirs, and a kids shaving relay.  We could just go around asking for donations…but where’s the fun in that?? 

What’s the target number?

Because adoption is often a lengthy process and the Blanchards are just starting this journey, we are unsure exactly how much it will cost to bring Baby Blanchard home.  The average cost of a domestic adoption is estimated to be $30,000.  (Even MORE for international adoptions!)  So for now, we are keeping that number in mind. 

Any dent we could make in that big chunk of change will be a tremendous help to Amy and Will!  Anyone who has welcomed a child into their family knows that costs can add up quickly.  Clothes, food, baby gear, medical bills, education… Now imagine trying to cover these costs AFTER spending $30,000 on the actual baby alone!  It’s a daunting challenge, but Will and Amy have committed to exactly that – that’s how much their child means to them. 

Beard for the Blanchards is raising funds to help cover the actual adoption expenses.  100% of the proceeds go directly to offset these costs.  Any money collected above and beyond that will be donated to the Touch a Life Foundation to help end child trafficking. 

How can I support this great cause? 

You can be a part of the Beard for the Blanchards team in three ways:

1.    DONATE!  Anyone can donate, and any donation helps!  The average cost of an adoption is estimated at $30,000 – which is a huge chunk of change!  But if 1,000 people gave $30 – BAM! – we’d reach that goal in no time!  Every penny counts to give Baby Blanchard a home.

2.    Grow a beard.  Or a mustache.  Or bushy eyebrows.  If you are a guy who can grow facial hair, you can help spread awareness about the Blanchards' cause.  Email Jake Jones at beardfortheblanchards@gmail.com to get signed up and then start sharing the news that you’re getting hairy to help!

3.    Spread the word!  The more people we tell, the better our chances of reaching our goal!  Remember the 1,000 people giving $30?  What if our message reached 10,000?  That’s just $3 per person to cover the adoption costs!  Sound far-fetched?  Not if we all start spreading the news.  Tell all your friends, family, and co-workers and imagine how many people they could each tell.  Adds up quick, doesn’t it?  Are you shy?  Don’t know what to say?  No problem!  Thanks to social media, you can simply post the link to http://beardfortheblanchards.org on your Facebook or Twitter.  It’s easy!